Sleep disorders are a growing health concern and can have a wide-ranging impact on many aspects of your quality of life. From increased health risks to the effects of poor quality sleep, a sleep problem can often make daily life seem more difficult.

Dr. Kanning is a leading local dentist for the treatment of sleep apnea utilizing oral appliance therapy. Dr. Kanning works with patients who have been diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), to address symptoms with alternative treatment options.


Many patients do not know they have sleep apnea until they begin to suffer from associated health concerns or discuss their diminishing quality of life with their doctor. If you have concerns about your health, discuss them with Dr. Kanning during a visit. There are many overall health problems, including sleep apnea, that can exhibit oral symptoms or be related to your dental health.

Common signs and symptoms of sleep apnea can include:

  • Feeling groggy during the day
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loud snoring, gasping for air when sleeping
  • Increased irritability, moodiness
  • Dry mouth upon waking
  • Morning headaches


sleep apnea


Although anyone can develop sleep apnea, there are certain risk factors to keep in mind and discuss with us during a visit. If you are concerned that you may be at risk for sleep apnea, seeking a diagnosis as soon as possible can reduce your risk of developing associated health problems.

Common risk factors can include:

  • A large neck circumference
  • Male gender
  • Overweight, obese
  • Diabetic, hypertensive
  • Smoker
  • Over the age of 45
  • Family history of OSA
  • Narrow airway or small lower jaw


The first step is to complete a sleep study with your regular physician to determine if you have sleep apnea, what type of sleep apnea you have, and the degree of severity. For patients with severe sleep apnea or who suffer from related health issues, the CPAP is considered the gold standard of treatment.

If it is determined that you have mild to moderate sleep apnea, or if you have seen significant improvement in symptoms with CPAP use, you can improve health and symptoms with oral appliance therapy. A custom-made sleep appliance works by opening up the airway to allow for proper airflow and repositioning the tongue and jaw to maintain an open airflow. Dr. Kanning can work with you to fabricate a sleep appliance that offers several benefits as an alternative to the CPAP:

  • More discreet, comfortable
  • Transportable for maintaining treatment when traveling
  • Allows the patient to speak and consume fluids while in place
  • No noise or cumbersome parts


  • How long will my oral appliance last?

    The downside to choosing this option is they are not meant to last forever. You should plan on replacing your oral appliance at least every three to five years if it is properly cared for. The materials used to create the mouthpiece will begin to break down and weaken. This will make it less effective. Using an oral sleep device for treating sleep apnea means you will need to be committed to replacing it regularly.

  • What are the side effects of using an oral sleep appliance?

    There are not many side effects to using an oral sleep appliance. Most people will experience some level of jaw soreness however it is typically mild and will fade over time. Also, you may experience increased production in salivation and changes to your bite. These are usually temporary and can be fixed by adjusting your mouthpiece. The ease of use and these mild side effects is why an oral sleep appliance has a higher compliance rate compared to a CPAP machine.

  • If I snore, does it mean that I have sleep apnea?

    A lot of people snore but it doesn’t always mean they have sleep apnea. Snoring is just one symptom however it is the most common sign of sleep apnea. If you have any of the above risk factors and also suffer from a few more of the symptoms listed then it may be time to undergo a sleep study to see if you have obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

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